Saturday, December 5, 2009

What is your contemplation for this Holiday Season?

I love the daily meditations of Friar Richard Rohr. He asks: "During this Advent how can I bring the gift of contemplation into my life?"

What's your answer? Tweet me @thirstyfishinfo or comment...
Question of the Day:
During this Advent how can I bring the gift
of contemplation into my life?

When it comes to the gift of contemplation, every major religion in the world has come to very similar conclusions.  Every religion—Hinduism, Buddhism, the eastern religions—all agree, but each in its own way, that finally we are called to a transformed consciousness, a new mind or being “born again” a second time in some way. Each religion has different words for it, and probably different experiences, but somehow they all point to union with God. 

Religion is about union.  Somehow to live in conscious union with God is what it means to be “saved.”  To live in that union is to experience and enjoy the Great Connection.  When world religions become mature, we will have a new history, no longer based on competition, rivalry, cultures or warfare, but on people who are actually transformed.

Adapted from Preparing For Christmas, pp. 60-61

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